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Hi, I'm Taylor Suga-Floyd CEMT

horse massage

A little about what I do and how it can benefit your equine partner...

A regular session consists of working through the horse's muscular system from head to tail. During this I evaluate the condition of the muscles and identify any concerning areas as well as work through them to help relieve soreness, tension, and increase flexibility.


One of the most common questions is, "Will massage therapy benefit my horse?" the simple answer is absolutely! No matter the discipline or amount of work a horse is in massage therapy can be very beneficial. Feel free to reach out with any other questions or concerns.

A little bit about me...

My name is Taylor, I am Certified Equine Massage Therapist. I am an animal lover, horse mom to two wonderful mares, dog mom of a wonderful rescue pitbull, wife, and mother to a sweet baby boy! I found my love for horses at a very young age and decided that I wanted to find a way to help the animals that do so much for us. So I became an equine massage therapist and could not be more grateful to do what I love every day!

equine massage




Hours of Operation


Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

*After hours and weekends are available upon request

Area of Service

Traveling the State of Florida

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